Berkshire, United Kingdom
20.00 miles
I am looking for some land to rent for a few things , goat and equine grazing , the equine grazing is a possibility not a definite and a few other things like having a heated shed to have my smaller animals , heat regulated of course but a small room in a house isn't big enough for the size and space my animals need and it's proving very hard to find !
The shed would not need planning permission as sheds are not permenant structures unless they are brick .
But am really needing the space
Looking to spend £200 a month at first and once my goats are there payment will increase due to being able to sell goats milk and cheese ect .
All labour , fencing and upkeep for our part of the land would be done by me and my brother In law .
I do not need loads of space only a small portion
A few questions , do you have electric and water means ?
Thanks very much