Field wanted in Hartlepool, UK


Hartlepool, UK


700.00 miles


I'm looking for a long term lease of unused pasture to develop a organic market garden with permaculture principles, and the no dig method... With mind to introduce rotational grazed animals, deep bedding layer and meat chickens possible raw milk dairy small scale... I'm looking to develop a business relationship with the landowner on a percentage basis and crop share. This will suit an ageing farmer who has land they no longer need I'm willing to work on the farm in exchange for developing my own part of it... I would ideally like a live in opportunity in exchange for cooking, chores etc I'm 35 single hardworking and passionate about regenerative organic farming... I'm happy to relocate from Hartlepool to anywhere in the UK for the right place... Email me welcomematt1985 Mobile 07523340520

Posted at: 24/01/2021 23:33:42 by matthartlepool

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