Field wanted in Wokingham, UK


Wokingham, UK


5.00 miles


Hello all! Looking for a field or small patch of land for long term rent around 6 months to 1 year, for myself, my partner and son (3.5 yrs.) It's to build a small eco shipping container house (roughly 3 containers), which will portable and then move it to our own land. NO PLANNING PERMISIION REQUIRED Whilst building we would pay rent of course, and save towards buying land or for a deposit for self build mortgage, which ever is first. There is no planning permission needed as it's not a permanent structure (feel free to research for yourself) and yes we would need to live on site whilst building, in a motor home/truck we have already converted. So hook up and water point would be appreciated. My partner builds MIR machine on a good income and I'm a singer and stay at home mum. Frank, my son, is great and loves the outdoors. We are kind, helpful and spiritual. Please judge for yourself though, we could meet for a cuppa to meet and discuss further possibilities! Looking to stay close to wokingham if possible as family are there. If you are able to help us achieve this part if our jounrney please get in touch. Many thanks for reading Michelle, Dan and Frank

Posted at: 10/10/2018 09:57:03 by myshell

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