Field wanted in Liverpool, UK


Liverpool, UK


30.00 miles


Hi we are looking for a field to use for our wedding party at some time during 2019. We have two possible locations: near Liverpool or near Derby. Radius around 30 miles from either. We would be looking to host between 100 and 150 people and rent the field for two days (one night). We haven't booked a ceremony date yet, so dates are flexible so we'd appreciate prices for a number of dates and days of the week/weekend. We would want to set up a Marquee with dancefloor etc and possibly some yurts/teepees etc so that some people could sleep (say 30 people). We would also need some parking and access for large vehicles (possibly a coach) to drop off equipment/guests. Thanks in advance, Jay

Posted at: 09/04/2018 18:26:49 by aerojay87

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