Field wanted in Bromley, United Kingdom


Bromley, United Kingdom


30.00 miles


I'm looking for a field and/or woodland in North Kent, East Sussex or Surrey to use for gundog training on a regular basis. I would like to be able to use a dummy launcher and or starting pistol to simulate gunfire and I can only do this on private land. Happy to pick up after my dogs. (I have two Flatcoated retrievers). The dogs are steady around livestock including horses cows and sheep as they pick up on shoots. I would like to have access to the field for 1-2 hours one to three days a week, on a Monday, Wednesday or Friday and perhaps one day at the weekend. Happy to pay reasonable rental. Happy to travel up to 30miles into Kent, East Sussex or Surrey from Bromley in Kent.

Posted at: 29/11/2016 20:43:02 by larksburn

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