Field wanted in King's Lynn and West Norfolk District, United Kingdom


King's Lynn and West Norfolk District, United Kingdom


0.00 miles


Hi I'm looking for not so much of a field as just a permission to use a little piece of a wooded area tucked away. Myself and two work colleagues (all family men in or 40's)are wildcampers/bushcrafters that enjoy nothing more than just hanging our hammocks and relaxing cooking over an open (controlled) fire once or twice month. We have been wild Conoe camping most of the year pitching on the river bank. We live near the kings Lynn area of west Norfolk ,and would like to just be able to hammock over night legally, while living by the ethos leave no trace. Somewhere up to half hours drive maybe a bit more.

Posted at: 13/11/2016 21:37:25 by outdoor guy

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