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Fields wanted

Wednesday, 14 January 2015 06:11:43 by aljwoods

10.00 miles

Looking for a field for a big ol' party in July, August or September. Room for a marquee for 100 people, bouncy castle, camping and parking for a few, and a bonfire and bbq is preferred. Running water and electricity are optional luxuries.
Wednesday, 14 January 2015 02:49:35 by jon.kensett

1.00 miles

Field wanted for Norse themed banquet for a birthday party.
Tuesday, 13 January 2015 04:42:20 by garethneil


100.00 miles

wanted open space land for private forum meet for 20-50 people attending. Looking to perform a firework display with a professional company that will have all licenses and insurance required. i am looking for Midlands area but willing to look at oth...
Tuesday, 13 January 2015 11:10:59 by sagwilliam

10.00 miles

small field to excercise dogs in
Monday, 12 January 2015 11:21:31 by sjwarren

1.00 miles

Field wanted for Wedding, Summer 2015. Good access for cars and parking. Looking to erect marquee and would need electricity. Might also be looking for some guests to camp.
Monday, 12 January 2015 09:15:44 by jesse903

15.00 miles

Field/ woodland/ riverside wanted for wedding venue, need space to put up one large marquee and 2 16ft tipis. Would like to have the land for 4-7 days, we have a generator so no need to electricity but water would be nice... there would need to be pa...
Monday, 12 January 2015 07:54:27 by funkytents essex

20.00 miles

Marquee hire company Looking for spacious and picturesque land in Essex to promote as wedding reception and party event venue. Will promote venue on an ongoing basis and field owner would be paid per event held on the land.
Monday, 12 January 2015 07:39:04 by funkytents essex

40.00 miles

Marquee hire company Looking for spacious and picturesque land to promote as wedding reception and party event venue. Will promote venue on an ongoing basis and field owner would be paid per event held on the land.
Monday, 12 January 2015 06:54:40 by tashapears

1.00 miles

Small field wanted for birthday party, preferably not too far away. One to two days max
Monday, 12 January 2015 04:29:33 by evalaysan

10.00 miles

Im looking for a field to host my wedding in, and to erect some sort of canopy/yurt for guests